Cheatsheet für Quadrax

Der Quadrax von Intellijel ist ein vielseitiger und leistungsstarker Funktionsgenerator, der vier unabhängige Hüllkurven- oder LFO-Kanäle bietet. Jeder Kanal lässt sich in verschiedene Modi umschalten, wie AD, ASR oder Zyklisch, was eine flexible Steuerung von Hüllkurvenformen und Modulationen ermöglicht. Durch die Kombination mehrerer Kanäle kannst du komplexe, miteinander verschaltete Modulationsverläufe erstellen, die perfekt für modulare Systeme sind.

Mit intuitiven Steuerungen und einem Matrix-Modulationssystem ist der Quadrax ideal für dynamische Klanglandschaften und rhythmische Modulationen.


PDF-Anleitung des Quadrax


MODE/DESTINATION button - This button (x4) has several functions: In normal operation, it selects the channel’s MODE, while in CV Assignment mode, it sets the DESTINATION (and attenuversion) of the CV input. Additionally, long-pressing the button toggles the current mode between its STANDARD functionality and its ALTERNATE functionality.

Attack/Decay envelope

AD envelopes complete their entire cycle upon receiving a trigger at the corresponding TRIG input. AD envelopes ignore the gate time of the incoming signal.

controls the envelope’s attack time
controls the decay time.

Attack/Hold/Release envelope

The envelope holds (sustains) its maximum value for as long as the gate signal is high, then triggers the release stage when the gate signal goes low.

controls the envelope’s attack time
controls its release time


Cycle mode behaves like a unipolar LFO, with the RISE and FALL times determining the rate and shape of the LFO.


Burst mode generates a series of pulses that repeat.

sets variable rate
controls length of time
adjusts the attack and decay of the overall burst envelope, plus it alters the waveform of each pulse within that envelope.

With the knob in the clockwise position, individual pulse amplitudes rise over the burst length. At the noon position, maximum pulse amplitude occurs at the midpoint of the burst envelope.

## LFO

bipolar, beat-syncable LFO with multiple basic waveshapes and some advanced waveshape morphing capabilities.
